Frequently asked questions and answers
After placing your order, please allow up to 2-3 days for processing. Once your package leaves our fulfillment center, the transit time will vary depending on your location. You will receive tracking information as soon as your order is shipped.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee changes to orders once they have been placed. If you need to make any changes, please contact our support team at with your order details. While we will do our best to accommodate your request, please note that we cannot guarantee modifications if the order has already been processed or shipped.
Please note that Cloud Nine Clothing is not responsible for delays, unclaimed, or returned orders due to incorrect or undeliverable addresses entered by the customer. If you have entered an incorrect address, please reach out to, and we will assist you to the best of our abilities.
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us at as soon as possible. Our shipping team strives to fulfill orders within 24-48 hours, but if your order has already shipped, we regret that we are unable to cancel it.
Once your package has been shipped from our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing your tracking information. If you haven't received tracking within five days of order confirmation, please reach out to us at
The shipping time will depend on your location and the chosen shipping method. Once your order has shipped, you can track its progress using the provided tracking number.
For pre-order items, the estimated shipping date is stated on the product page. Please refer to that information to know when your item is expected to be shipped.
Still Have Questions?
Reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We'll be glad to assist you with any further inquiries you may have.