Meet the founder

Hello, I’m Vansh Sobti

Anxiety is something that hits close to home for me. That's why I set out on a mission to create a solution by creating an anxiety hoodie that not only helps individuals but also provides a sense of comfort and support.

From Vancouver

Awards we have received

25 under 25 - 2024

Business award

Newspaper feature

My story began with a simple idea...

to create products that would bring joy to everyone.

I saw a need for comfortable and functional stress-relief products that could make a real difference in people's lives. So, I set out to create a line that would provide the ultimate comfort and relaxation to my customers.

Through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to quality, I developed an anxiety hoodie that has since become the flagship product. But my mission extends beyond just selling hoodies. I am driven by a passion to help people manage stress and anxiety, and I believe that everyone deserves to experience the benefits of relaxation and comfort in their daily lives.

  • A Spark of Inspiration

    In 2022, an innovative product idea began to take shape.

  • Vision to Reality

    I sewed various prototypes, translating my vision into tangible designs and paving the way for Cloud Nine to become a reality.

  • Manufacturing Challenges

    Sampling manufacturers who could execute my vision, persevering through multiple sampling attempts to get the perfect one.

  • The Journey Begins

    Launching, marketing, embracing the invaluable lessons, and the ongoing commitment to growth and improvement

  • Sustainable Practices

  • Transparent Communication

  • Perseverance and Resilience

  • Innovation and Creativity

  • Customer Empowerment